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To dwell in possibility

Be sure to read the pre-curser post to this one, it's long but good and explains how I got comfortable in my skin . I "get to" to accomplish something super cool and “ over the top ” at work. People ask me my why. I haven’t been able to articulate it, until now. My why is, “because I can.” I never set out to be on the path I am today. It was born out of serious of next steps. A choice to say, “I will”. The next steps took me down a path I didn’t expect to be on. It’s a path I’ve come to love. There’s a magic in it. It’s this world of possibilities I get to explore with my clients, my family, my friends, my colleagues. Work was the context for birthing it. It all started with a question; it always starts with a question. “Tell me about you. What are you hoping to accomplish?” And then the story, their story, it’s a moment in time where their story crosses my story and “I get to” help them along their journey. I thought I was just a “Mortgage Originator”. It seemed so stupi

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